4 Benefits of Repowering Your Existing Mobile Medical Carts on Wheels
Healthcare budgets are tighter than ever, and many facilities have aging, out-of-warranty mobile medical carts on wheels that are becoming more of a hindrance than an operational benefit. The truth is, many hospitals and other healthcare systems purchase the latest and greatest equipment available in hopes that spending a significant amount upfront will give them the best product that lasts the longest.This can be a smart decision, yet as equipment ages, it requires updating. In today’s financial climate, healthcare facilities needing to protect their original investments can be saving thousands of dollars while reaping various business benefits through repowering, refurbishing, and retrofitting their existing mobile computer workstations to good-as-new-or better-than-new condition.
Preserving Your Investment
If your existing carts require repair, think before you toss them aside for a fleet of brand-new workstations. You’ve invested a lot of money into your existing fleet. Why not extend the life of your IT investment and gain a greater total cost of ownership (TCO)? Especially when the cost of repowering, refurbishing, and retrofitting your existing carts will be less of a burden on your wallet than purchasing an entirely new fleet of workstations.“Healthcare facilities that choose to repower, refurbish, and retrofit their existing mobile medical carts on wheels can save $1,500 per cart,” stated Richard Shaheen, Executive VP of Definitive Technology Group. “The cost of buying an entirely new cart is $3,500. The cost of the repower/refurbish/retrofit is $2,000. That’s more than 40 percent savings from buying new.” It goes without saying that the cost-savings you will reap from breathing new life into your existing fleet.
Proven Durability and Functionality
A common misconception is that newer mobile medical carts on wheels will function better than your current ones. However, brand-new carts may be a risky choice when it comes to possible malfunctions. A brand-new, never-been-used model hasn't proven its durability in a healthcare facility for extended periods. In contrast, older workstations are validated in their functionality and durability by having survived years of use.The problem facing aging medical carts is a common one. According to Mr. Shaheen, “virtually 90 percent of all mobile medical cart on wheels’ problems are related to the battery and power systems.” Whether the batteries are expired or no longer under warranty, it’s common that aging batteries underpower the equipment needed for clinical functions.However, the solution to this problem is easy with DTG. “The DTG power solutions easily fix battery-related problems at dramatically lower costs than buying new,” says Shaheen. “Through repower/refurbish/retrofit from DTG, you save money while extending and preserving your initial cart investment.” As a bonus, each battery system comes with an industry-leading 5-year warranty standard and free of charge, giving you peace of mind that your carts will work seamlessly now and down the road.Although your existing carts may be an older model, refurbished ones still have all of the customization options that new carts do, meaning that facilities can save money while still getting the exact features that they need to optimize workflows in any department.
Quality You Know and Trust at a Dramatically Lower Price
Before you get rid of your current mobile computer workstations for brand new ones, consider the quality you’ll be losing. In recent years, to help healthcare facilities achieve a modern, sleek look, the quality of workstations on wheels has been sacrificed. This means that newer carts can be of lower quality than older carts of the same price. It’s normal to see the relationship between price and quality, and it’s often true that high-quality goods are more expensive. With this in mind, to match the quality of your current carts, you may have to spend an arm and a leg.This also pertains to those buying carts for the first time. Refurbished carts are an ideal option as someone has already paid the retail price that helps cover the manufacturer’s product development costs. Costs for refurbishing usually just include repairs and maintenance on carts, including any replacement parts needed. This means that you can get high-quality, refurbished equipment up to 70 percent off the original price tag.
Familiarity of Your Existing, Trusted Mobile Medical Carts on Wheels
Why expose your workforce to adopting new equipment and its associated learning curve when you don’t have to? It’s important to think about how your employees would be affected by a retrofit, a repower, or a refurbishment of existing workstations versus a fleet of new ones. If you decide to purchase an entirely new fleet of workstations, your workforce could suffer from slowed operations — if not indefinite downtime — in the form of deployment time, training time, and user adoption of the new units. On the other hand, if you simply refurbish your existing carts, workflows will barely be disrupted, saving you time, money, and loads of frustration.Just because your existing carts and their battery systems are aging, failing, or are out of warranty doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on a new fleet. Refurbished equipment functions just as well as, if not better than, new equipment, and for a fraction of the cost, allowing you to preserve your investment, keep higher-quality equipment for longer, and reduce downtime in your facility.Are you looking to give new life to your fleet and repower your mobile computer workstations? Definitive Technology Group can repower your workstations and extend the life of your investment beyond the original manufacturer’s warranty.