Indoor Mobile Coffee Carts for Corporate Settings: What to Look For

Published by DTG
July 22, 2022

Coffee: it’s the lifeblood of the American workplace and an indispensable staple of the 9-5 for a good swath of the U.S. These days, businesses are using top-notch indoor mobile coffee carts in order to attract and keep top talent and it’s no wonder why: The average worker reportedly guzzles an astonishing 15 cups each week, meaning coffee and espresso-based drinks are a regular fixture of many workday routines. Anyone can plug in a drip coffee system or large insulated jugs to serve java anywhere, but American coffee tastes have become more refined over the last decade or so. The average office employee no longer wants to drink poorly-brewed coffee that has been sitting all day waiting for its next pour.In order to go beyond the traditional kitchen coffee setup and offer something extra to employees, you need a mobile coffee cart that puts the “coffee run” right in your office. Coffee carts that supply all the power and equipment necessary to provide Barista service will keep employees at the office during breaks and wow your clients when they step through your front door and take in the delicious aroma of fresh espresso.Investing in an indoor mobile coffee cart with Barista quality equipment is the smart move for your coworkers and your bottom line, but it all starts with choosing the right product and power solution.

Power Source Is Top Priority for Indoor Mobile Coffee Carts

The first thing to know: not all mobile barista carts are created equal. The biggest sticking point might boil down to how to power your mobile coffee cart.You’re interested in a mobile coffee cart because the high-tech barista machine it hauls cranks out the fancy lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos and more that top the coffee lover’s list of demands. But making those beverages requires double the 110V standard at 220V. That’s why you need a portable power source to keep your office coffee service up and running until your last colleague logs off. There are a number of power options out there but most of them come with pretty significant drawbacks:

  • Propane isn’t ideal for indoor use and turns your firm into a fire-hazard risk, while no one wants to listen to a generator’s deafening roar.
  • Sealed lead acid (SLA) batteries need proper ventilation because they can leak dangerous gasses or even explode.
  • While plugging in seems like a no-brainer, 220V outlets aren’t always easy to come by in office buildings, especially the dinosaurs built decades ago.

Safe and sustainable, lithium ion iron phosphate batteries, better known as LFP, offer a dependable solution to your indoor mobile coffee cart’s energy needs. Choosing an LFP battery means you don’t have to worry about the headache of hunting down hard-to-find 220V outlets. You’re free to roam wherever those four wheels will take you. And with 8 hours of power on a single 5-hour 110V charge, you can be confident that your mobile barista won’t be putting in for time off.

Mobile Coffee Carts are Heavy! Choose One With Motorized Casters for Easy Transport.

Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room—a mobile coffee cart packs some serious weight when it’s fully stocked. When you factor in the barista machine, espresso beans, gallons of dairy and plant-based milks, plus water, sweeteners, flavorings, utensils, other accoutrement and any treats you want to throw in, you’re looking at an indoor coffee cart that clocks in around 200 to 300 pounds and counting.If you’re wondering how in the world anyone could move that, you’re asking the right questions. No one wants to hear the wheels’ high-pitched squeal interrupting their Zoom meeting as the mobile coffee cart groans by. Not to mention the struggle of trying to make it across plush carpeting unscathed. Now imagine the ordeal of squeezing through tight spaces and you’ll see why innovative, ergonomic design matters when you’re going to invest in an office coffee cart.Look for an indoor mobile coffee cart designed with you in mind. Fully motorized casters make light work of getting your mobile barista from Point A to Point B. And with wheels that can speed up going forward or backwards, your modern mobile coffee cart will never stand in the way of your colleagues’ caffeine fix.

Don’t Forget the Cream: Cold Storage for Dairy and Other Perishables

You need office coffee service that’s no slouch when it comes to compliance. Indoor mobile coffee carts that don’t come with the NSF’s seal of approval put your colleagues at risk of food poisoning if perishables aren’t refrigerated at the right temperatures. Plus, some regulations require you to operate NSF-approved equipment in order to secure the license you need to get your barista-on-wheels up and running.

Easy Payments are a Must for Office Coffee Carts

If you’re charging for each honey oat milk latte and half-caff caramel frap, then you’ll need a mobile coffee cart that easily integrates with virtually any POS system to provide a frictionless customer experience. Your colleagues might not want to grab their wallet when it’s time to knock back a cortado, so prioritize POS systems that take the contactless payments popularized during the pandemic.

Keep Your Coffee Cart Working for You: Make Sure it’s Backed by a Comprehensive Warranty

The number one point of failure in mobile carts is batteries. Protect your indoor coffee service with a warranty-backed product that takes care of repairs as well as power supply, to guarantee you get your mobile barista cart back in action before you can say “espresso” if anything goes wrong.

Branded, Customizable Carts Ensure You Have All the Perks You Need

If you’re like most people, you might not be looking for one-size-fits-all. An indoor mobile coffee cart should match your company’s and colleagues’ individual needs. Consider whether a cart comes with a barista machine already installed or if you can pick the equipment that best serves your gourmet tastes. You’ll also want to consider if the cart can be configured to sell concession snacks and other tempting treats. Is there a way to add on a display screen and squeeze more battery life out of your power sources? What are other requirements unique to your business environment? These are key questions to ask before you take the plunge.

Make Going to Work Convenient for Staff With an Indoor Mobile Coffee Cart

When you choose the best mobile coffee cart, you’re bringing a great new perk to the workplace and showing clients first-class hospitality. Be sure to pick a battery-powered cart that packs the versatility you need and the motorized casters that make your station truly, seamlessly mobile. Contact DTG today to learn how our mobile coffee carts can work for you.

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