Invitation-Only Community Welcomes Shaheen as Successful Business Owner Bringing Mobilized Workstation Productivity To a Variety of New Markets
WILMINGTON, Mass., June 28, 2022 — DTG, the leading provider of industrial-strength power systems and mobile workstation solutions, today announced that its CEO, Steve Shaheen, has been accepted into the Forbes Business Council, the foremost growth and networking organization for successful business owners and leaders worldwide. Steve was vetted and selected by a review committee based on the depth and diversity of his experience. Criteria for acceptance include a track record of successfully impacting business growth metrics, as well as personal and professional achievements and honors. “We are honored to welcome Steve Shaheen into the community,” said Scott Gerber, founder of Forbes Councils, the collective that includes Forbes Business Council. “Our mission with Forbes Councils is to bring together proven leaders from every industry, creating a curated, social capital-driven network that helps every member grow professionally and make an even greater impact on the business world.” As an accepted member of the Council, Steve will connect and collaborate with other respected local leaders in a private forum and at members-only events. He also will be invited to share his expert insights through original business articles on, and to contribute to published Q&A panels alongside other experts. “I’m thrilled to be invited to the Forbes Business Council, to share my insights and observations about the changing world of business, and connect with and learn from other business leaders,” said Shaheen. “I believe strongly in the power of communities as a means to grow professionally, build strong networks and embrace different perspectives and the Forbes Business Council provides the ideal platform to accomplish these goals.” As CEO of DTG, Steve has built the company from the ground up to become a leading provider of mobilized power workstations for major industries, such as manufacturing and logistics, hospitality and healthcare. Today, the company’s workstations are in use by a variety of large companies, such as one of the world’s largest ecommerce providers, a major electronics distributor, and a world-leading life sciences firm. An entrepreneur at heart, Steve knows how to help companies reach their operational, financial and market goals by streamlining operations and workflow, and working more efficiently to bring productivity to the point of task. ABOUT FORBES COUNCILSForbes Councils is a collective of invitation-only communities created in partnership with Forbes and the expert community builders who founded Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC). In Forbes Councils, exceptional business owners and leaders come together with the people and resources that can help them thrive.To learn more about Forbes Councils, visit DTGDTG is the global leader in the design and delivery of mobilized battery powered workstations and advanced Uninterruptible Battery Systems (UBS) for industries such as industrial materials handling & logistics, healthcare, commercial food services and manufacturing. The company brings workforce automation and unrivaled battery system power to the point of task. DTG is privately held and based in Wilmington, Mass.# # # #Media Contact:Linda Pendergast SavagePendergast Consultinglpendergastsavage@comcast.net508-224-7905